Reflections Of A Child Of Immigrants On Entrepreneurship, Black Identity, And Pursuing Excellence.
How do you feel being an immigrant/child of an immigrant impacted what you saw as career possibilities?
As a child of immigrants, the scope of what I knew or considered as career opportunities for myself was limited. Although I had family members employed in different industries, I didn’t know anyone who was an entrepreneur or business owner. Entrepreneurship as a career opportunity was something I pursued later in life.
Do you feel the Black American experience is different than the experience of Black Immigrants?
There are different lived experiences that inform the world view of Black Americans when compared to Black immigrants. I believe those differences helped me. My family didn’t have direct experiences and in some cases they were unaware of the oppressive systemic structures that keep people of color marginalized. So in essence, the absence of those experiences protected my psyche and allowed me the freedom to dream big with expectations that it would materialize if i worked hard at it.
What was the goal for you? What helped to drive you to your accomplishments?
My goals have always been rooted in Excellence, Service and Self Sufficiency. What helped to drive you to your accomplishments? My commitment to my vision for my life, my faith, my family, my desire for excellence and my discomfort with human suffrage.
Were there any rules of thumb or sayings repeated to you in your childhood that you live by to this very day?
Yes! My mother would always say “Don’t save for tomorrow what you can do today.”
Pick three theme songs for your life. One for childhood, one for when you just entered the working world, and what’s your current theme song?
Childhood- Whitney Houston: Greatest Love of All, Entered Working World- Diana Ross: I’m Coming Out, Currently-Goapele: Closer
Did you know that by being who you are and pursuing your aspirations, you would be helping to write the following chapters of Black History? How does that make you feel?
How does that make you feel? It makes me feel responsible. That I am honoring those that came before me, providing healing for those who are here with me now, and paving the way for a promising future for those who will come after me.