Zebra Strategies: The Blog

Our blog explores what elements create great research and best practices for thoughtful brands.
Read on for breaking research news, advice, and tips on how to approach touchy research topics with care.

When it comes to market research, there are always questions being asked. We rely on participants in specified demographics to share their …

Cultural humility refers to the process of ongoing self-reflection and self-critique, in which healthcare providers strive to understand and acknowledge their own …

As a queer individual, inclusivity is not just about welcoming everyone but ensuring that every voice is heard and respected. It’s about overstanding—going beyond understanding to empathize with the experiences of others truly. This is critical to achieving racial concordance and integrity within our community.

A few weeks ago, Zebra Strategies attended a film screening that highlighted the maternal health struggles of Black women. The film depicts …

In the spirit of National Cancer Survivors Day, we asked our CEO, Denene Rodney, a few questions about her Cancer experience. Here …

We are delighted to share the trailer for the very first interview in our series!

We are approaching our first anniversary since relocating our headquarters to Harlem. Being part of this vibrant community has been an enriching …

The Value of Cultural Currency: Uniting Communities and Inspiring Global Exchange Cultural currency encompasses the intrinsic value, relevance, and profound significance within …

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