Zebra Strategies: The Blog
Our blog explores what elements create great research and best practices for thoughtful brands.
Read on for breaking research news, advice, and tips on how to approach touchy research topics with care.
Princess Ousley is the President & CEO of Elite Business Strategies LLC, a consulting agency that helps businesses succeed.
Sarah Ribner: From Unique Background to Inclusive Products – A Black Female Entrepreneur’s Narrative
Sarah Ribner is the CEO & Founder of Piperwai, an environmentally-friendly personal care company. She was featured on ABC's Shark Tank on 2015, and since then has expanded and perfected her product line.
Adrienne Nicole is the Executive Producer of Adrienne Nicole Productions, a full-service video production company specializing in connecting with targeted communities.
Stephani Register is the founder of Recovery is Essential, where she aims to create a safe space for those in recovery for addictions
Cheryl Gentry is the Founder & CEO of Glow Global Events, an award-winning full-service events agency, specializing in high-touch high-impact events and solutions.
Suzanne Randolph is the Founder & CEO of The Alix Experience, a travel agency geared towards women who travel solo. They strive to foster connection through cultural experiences.