Zebra Strategies and the art of giving

At Zebra Strategies, we are committed to the well-being of the communities with which we work. Our passion for engaging underserved and hard-to-reach populations drives our commitment to Corporate Social Investment. Our CSI programs reach out to the most marginalized and vulnerable sections of society. We support people and our planet by focusing on the following areas:


Literacy for Incarcerated Teens (LIT)

LIT provides crucial resources for the enrichment and development of the thousands of young people incarcerated in New York’s juvenile facilities. These facilities have been widely recognized as severely under-resourced and unprepared to assist young people in their growth and development. In an era of budget austerity, LIT is able to provide much-needed supplementary services and resources. LIT4teens@gmail.com

Prevention Education Inc

PEI Kids is dedicated to promoting and maintaining a safe environment for all children. We work with children, families, and caregivers to provide prevention, intervention, and advocacy programs relating to personal safety, sexual abuse, and the child’s overall well-being. information@peikids.org

Gems Girls

As New York State’s first—and only—organization designed to provide trauma-informed, strengths-based services, GEMS has served thousands of young women and girls, ages 12–29. Founded in 1998, GEMS’ ground-breaking, award-winning work supports survivors in: Gaining independence, Safety, Education, Employment, and Economic sustainability for themselves and their children: development@gems-girls.org


Prison Fellowship Angel Tree

Angel Tree Christmas™ equips churches and other organizations to restore and strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and families. Every Christmas, Angel Tree mobilizes local churches and organizations to minister to hundreds of thousands of children by delivering a gift, the Gospel message, and a personal message of love on behalf of their mom or dad behind bars. In addition, many of our partner churches meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of prisoners’ families by enfolding them in the day-to-day life of the church, helping children attend summer camp, and facilitating mentorship. info@pfm.org 


JustDane offers an array of direct service programs for individuals and families involved in the criminal justice system. These services include prison reentry programs and services for children who have an incarcerated parent, community events designed to help people understand what it’s like to walk in the shoes of someone newly released from prison, and jail and prison in-reach programs. info@justdane.org 

Hope City Church

Hope City Church thrives off of integrity, honesty, and great stewardship of what God has blessed us with. All unmarked funds (tithes and general offering) go towards our church operations and staff. Funds that are marked go to their designated ministry and program area. For example, funds given directly under our “feed the hungry” option goes towards our Hope Market community initiative. 


Black Trans Travel Fund

As a Black trans-led collective rooted in self-advocacy and mutual aid for Black trans women globally, the black trans travel fund’s mission is to provide travel support, connect communities internationally, and establish paths towards ​opportunities, safety, and success. Blacktranstravelfund@gmail.com

New York Transgender Advocacy Group

NYTAG has always understood that the current disparities that the TGNCNB (Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Non-Binary) community face are the results of historical and structural violence that can only be addressed effectively by empowering TGNCNB individuals to be effective leaders of their own communities, with a clear and impactful voice in all aspects that affect their lives. info@nytag.org   

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